George Jones - Gods Gonna Get Cha (For That) Lyrics

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Artist: George Jones
George Jones Author
Song Title: Gods Gonna Get Cha (For That)
Visits: 669
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God's gonna get 'cha for that
God's gonna get 'cha for that
There's no place to run and hide
For He knows where you're at

God's gonna get 'cha for that
God's gonna get 'cha for that
Every wrong thing that you do
God's gonna get 'cha for that

This doggone world we're living in
It's giving me a fit
It seems like everywhere I turn
I see a hypocrite

Well, if ya wanna go to heaven
Well, you can't live like that
So let me tell you, brother
God's a-gonna get 'cha for that

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah
God's gonna get 'cha for that
There's no place to run and hide
For He knows where you're at

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah
God's gonna get 'cha for that
Every wrong thing that you do
God's gonna get you for that

Now, the preacher in our church
He's a mighty devoted man
Everybody thinks, that he's a-goin' to the Promised Land

But the other night on a country road
While I was a-drivin' through
I caught the preacher makin' love
To Sister, Mary Lou

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah
God's gonna get 'cha for that
There's no place to run an' hide
For He knows where you're at

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah
God's gonna get 'cha for that
Every wrong thing that you do
God's gonna get 'cha for that

Now oh Sister Bessie, she like to testify
She says, 'I'll always love the Lord, someday I'm a-gonna fly
But the other night while goin' by the local liquor store
I caught oh Sister Bessie, flyin' out the door

God's gonna get 'cha for that
God's gonna get 'cha for that
There's no place to run and hid
For He knows where you're at

God's gonna get 'cha for that
God's gonna get 'cha for that
Every wrong thing that you do
God's gonna get you for that

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah (get 'cha for that)
God's gonna get 'cha for that (get 'cha for that)
There's no place to run and hide
For He knows where you're at

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah (get 'cha for that)
God's gonna get 'cha for that (get 'cha for that)
Every wrong thing that you do
God's gonna get you for that

God's gonna get 'cha for that, yeah (get 'cha for that)
God's gonna get 'cha for that (get 'cha for that)
There's no place to run and hide
For He knows where you're at
God's gonna get 'cha for that (get 'cha for that)

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