George Jones and Tammy Wynette - Roll In My Sweet Babys Arms Lyrics

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Artist: George Jones and Tammy Wynette
George Jones and Tammy Wynette Author
Song Title: Roll In My Sweet Babys Arms
Visits: 678
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Roll in my sweet baby's arms
Roll in my sweet baby's arms
I'll lay around this shack
'Til the mail tain comes back
An' I'll roll in my sweet baby's arms

I ain't gonna work on the railroad
(You ain't gonna work at all if you can help it !)
No, I ain't gonna work on the farm
I'll lay around this shack
'Til the mail train comes back
An' I'll roll in my sweet baby's arms

Roll in my sweet baby's arms
Roll in my sweet baby's arms
I'll lay around this shack
'Til the mail train comes back
An' I'll roll in my sweet baby's arms

TW sings:
My mama was a beauty operator
Sister could sew and could mend
My daddy owned an interest in that old sorghum mill
Just-a watchin' all that money roll in

Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
I'll lay around this shack
'Til the mail train comes back
An' I'll roll in my sweet baby's arms

Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
I'll lay around this shack
'Til the mail train comes back
An' I'll roll in my sweet baby's arms

Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
Rollin' in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
I'll lay around this shack
'Til the mail train comes back
An' I'll roll in my sweet baby's arms

Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
Roll in my sweet baby's arms (roll in my sweet baby's arms)
I'll lay

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    All the happiness you give me
    Just to know your love is mine...."
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    One we made some time ago
    When they ask who's in the picture with me
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