George Michael - Hand To Mouth Lyrics
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George Michael Singer Lyrics
Hand To Mouth Song Lyrics
George Michael
Faith (1990)
Song Title:
Hand To Mouth
Rock: Pop-Rock
Print Version
Jimmy Got Nothing made himself a name
With a gun that he polished for a rainy day
A smile and a quote from a vigilante movie
Our boy Jimmy just blew them all away
He said it made him crazy
Twenty five years living hand to mouth
Hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth
Sweet little baby on a big wihite doorstep
She needs her mother but her mother is dead
Just another hooker that the lucky can forget
Just another hooker
It happens everyday
She loved her little baby
But she couldn't bear to see her living hand to mouth
Hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth
I believe in the gods of America
I believe in the land of the free
But no one told me
(No one told me)
That the gods believe in nothing
So with empty hands I pray
And from day to hopeless day
They still don't see me
(See me)
Everybody talks about the new generation
Jump on the wagon or they'll leave you behind
But no one gave a thought to the rest of the nation
"Like to help you buddy, but I haven't got the time"
Somebody shouted save me
But everybody started living hand to mouth
Hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth
There's a big white lady
On a big white doorstep
She asked her daddy and her daddy said "yes"
Has to give a little for the dollars that we get
Has to give a little -
They say it's for the best
Somebody shouted
But they kept on living from hand to mouth
Hand to mouth, hand to mouth, hand to mouth
So she ran to the arms of America
And she kissed the powers that be
And someone told me
(Someone told me)
That the gods believe in nothing
So with empty hands I pray
And I tell myself
One day
They just might see me...
Hand To Mouth Lyrics
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Other George Michael song Lyrics
Praying for Time
"These are the days of the open hand
They might just be the last
Look around now
These are the days of the beggars and the choosers..."
Freedom 90
"I won't let you down
I will not give you up
Gotta have some faith in the sound
It's the one good thing that I've got..."
They Wont Go When I Go
"No more lying friends
Wanting tragic ends
Though they do pretend
They won't go when i go..."
Something To Save
"If you've got something to say
Why don't you say it
If you've got something to give
Why don't you give it to me..."
Cowboys and Angels
"When your heart's in someone else's hands
Monkey see and monkey do
Their wish is your command
You're not to blame..."
Waiting for That Day
"So every day I see you in some other face
They crack a smile, talk a while
Try to take your place
My memory serves me far too well..."
Mothers Pride
"oh she knows
she takes his hand
and prays the child will understand
at the door they watch the men go by..."
Heal The Pain
"Let me tell you a secret
Put it in your heart and keep it
Something that I want you to know
Do something for me..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Faith" album, click "
George Michael Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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