George Michael F/ Toby Bourke - Waltz Away Dreaming Lyrics
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George Michael F/ Toby Bourke Singer Lyrics
Waltz Away Dreaming Song Lyrics
George Michael F/ Toby Bourke
Song Title:
Waltz Away Dreaming
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(I'm here if you see me)
she's got a song in her head and she'll sing to me
she's got a laugh that reminds me of why she's in love with me
she'd never let show she was lonely in case it had frightened me
she was carpet and stone, independent, alone
but this love always shone around me every time, oh
waltz away dreaming till your day begins again
free from the seasons and this state I'm in
and oh, I can't hold it all under one love
it was so long ago when we danced in the streets
now you fly like an eagle above while I waltz away anyway
and I'm waltzing my days away
searching for this woman I love
(I'm here if you see me)
she had a history, joy and pain, and she chose to leave
she had a thousand and one photographs that you would not believe
she'll come to you in disguise, she's there in you children's eyes
still our mother, she's still your wife
so let her
waltz away dreaming till your day begins again, oh yeah
free from the reasons and this state I'm in
and oh,(trust me) I can't hold it all
(she ain't going anywhere) under one love
(trust me, she told me, when you're ready she'll be there)
it was so long ago (no, don't let go of her)
when we kissed in the streets
now you fly like an eagle above while I waltz away anyway
then I'm waltzing my days away
searching for this woman I love
(and the moment you see me, I will live in your life)
(we will walk through my garden, I will see through you eyes)
waltzing my days away (and the moment)
I was in despair (you see me) till she found me there (I will live)
every grown man cries (in your life) with his mother's eyes
(we will walk) when you're ready too (through my garden)
she'll come back to you (I will see through your eyes)
waltzing my days away (and the moment) she's waiting
(you see me, I will live in your life)
waltzing my days (we will walk) she's waiting
(through my garden, I will) father (see through your eyes)
she's waiting (and the moment you see me)
Waltz Away Dreaming Lyrics
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