George Thorogood - Dixie Fried Lyrics

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Artist: George Thorogood
Song Title: Dixie Fried
Visits: 1089
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(Written by Carl Perkins)

On the outskirts of town, there's a little night spot.
Dan dropped in about five o'clock.
Took off his jacket, said "The night is short."
He reached in his pocket and he flashed a quart.

He hollered, "Rave on, children, I'm with you!
Rave on, cats," he cried.
"It's almost dawn, the cops are gone.
Let's all get Dixie fried."

Well, Dan got happy and he started raving.
He pulled out a razor, but he wasn't shaving.
And all the cats knew to jump and hop,
Cause he was born and raised in a butcher shop.

He hollered, "Rave on, children, I'm with you!
Rave on, cats," he cried.
"It's almost dawn, the cops are gone.
Let's all get Dixie fried."

Well, the cops heard Dan when he started to shout.
They all ran in to see what it was about.
And I heard him holler as they led him away.
He turned his head, and this is what he had to say.

He hollered, "Rave on, children, I'm with you!
Rave on, cats," he cried.
"It's almost dawn, the cops are gone.
Let's all get Dixie fried."

Now, Dan was the bravest man that we ever saw.
He let us all know he wasn't scared of the law.
The black dog barked, but the boy didn't flinch.
He said "It ain't my fault, hon, that I been pinched."

He hollered, "Rave on, children, I'm with you!
Rave on, cats," he cried.
"It's almost dawn, the cops are gone.
Let's all get Dixie fried."

Now, Dan was the bravest man we ever saw.
He let us all know he wasn't scared of the law.
And I heard him holler as they led him away.
He turned his head, and this was what he had to say.

He hollered, "Rave on, children, I'm with you!
Rave on, cats," he cried.
"It's almost dawn, the cops are gone.
Let's all get Dixie fried."

"Yeah, it's almost dawn, the cops ain't gone,
And I've been Dixie fried."

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