George Thorogood - Memphis, Tennessee Lyrics

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Artist: George Thorogood
Song Title: Memphis, Tennessee
Visits: 881
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(Written by Chuck Berry)

Long Distance Information, give me Memphis, Tennessee.
Help me find the party that tried to get in touch with me.
They would not leave a number, but I know the place to call,
Cause my uncle took a message, and he wrote it on the wall.

Long Distance Information, get in touch with my Marie.
She's the only one who'd phone me here from Memphis, Tennessee.
Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge,
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi Bridge.

Long Distance Information, more than that I cannot add.
Only that I miss her and all the fun we had.
But we were torn apart because her Mom did not agree,
And tore apart our happy home in Memphis, Tennessee.

Now, last time I saw Marie, she was waving me goodbye,
With "hurry home" drops on her cheeks that trickled from her eyes.
Marie is only 6 years old. Information, please,
Try to put me through to her in Memphis, Tennessee.

Yes, oh, yes, Long Distance, I'll accept the charge. I'll pay.
But which loved one is calling me? I did not hear you say.
Both are deep within my heart, her Mom and my Marie.
It's so good to hear your voice from Memphis, Tennessee.

Oh, you mean so much to me, more than you'll ever know.
Surely you have not forgot how much I love you so.
If you would remember, dear, and sometimes talk to me.
Maybe that would reunite our home in Tennessee.

Last time I saw you, just before I had to leave.
You didn't want to see me off, and promised not to grieve.
My heart was torn apart, as I looked back at Marie.
And there the pieces still remain with you in Tennessee.

I Guess I should stop talking, after all, you placed the call.
But any way that I can help. you know I'll help you all.
Then her mother told me to come back and see Marie,
And live together in our home in Memphis, Tennessee.

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