Gerald Levert - Funny Lyrics
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Gerald Levert Singer Lyrics
Funny Song Lyrics
Gerald Levert
The G Spot (2002)
Song Title:
R&B: Soul
Print Version
Huh, its gonna be one of them days
I can feel it, uh
On a day like today
I got out of bed, upped and went my way
Tryin to find some peace of thing
But here aint no rest for, oh, every man
Everything seemed to get me down
Looking everywhere just to find a smile
Then the phone rings and an angel sings
Hello (Hello)
And its funny you should call today
Its been too long, thought you just moved on
And its funny you should call today
You always found a way to make my day
Girl, tell me how is your family
I cant believe that you thought of me, baby
Baby, my heart is beating fast
You dont know how much I missed our past, mmm, yeah
Seen a friend of mine a month or so
She said youre doin well, youve got it goin on
Then the phone rings and an angel sings
Hello (Hello)
And its funny you should call today
Its been too long, thought you just moved on
And its funny you should call today
You always found a way to make my day
Baby, ??? yeah
Like ??? out
And I just want to, wanna thank you, girl
Just to hear your face, girl, it changed my world
And its funny you should call today
Oh, its been too long, thought you just moved on
And its funny you should call today
You always found a way to make my day
Aint it funny you should call today
I think about you often, baby, yeah, yeah
And its funny you should call today
We can just be friends, babe, aint got to be your
man, no way, no way
Said its funny, funny you should call me
Cause Ive been thinkin bout you, babe, Ive been
thinkin bout you, Ive been thinkin bout you, baby
Aint it funny, ha-ha, you should call today
Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, funny you should call, funny you
should call
Said call me, oh, baby, now, call me
Seems like you know when things are goin wrong
Funny Lyrics
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Other Gerald Levert song Lyrics
One Million Times
Can?t let you get away girl
Ohh no
I can?t let you walk away girl..."
Groove On
Gotta get my groove on
Baby can you move on
Gotta get gotta get..."
Rock Me (All Nite Long)
"Girl who you been talking to
Tell me whose been lying to you
They say I'm cheatin' doing this and that
Why you frontin' girl..."
Let The Juices Flow
"You're not yourself
Come on let me rub your back
Kiss on your neck like I used to do
See you're tense you gotta let go..."
Id Give Anything
"I'm waiting
For someone who could turn my life
Someone who could make me feel..."
Answering Service
"Hello this is Angela
I'm sorry I'm unable
To answer this call right now
So please at the sound..."
"Somebody if anybody
Someone told you
That I've been hanging out
Cheating at night..."
How Many Times
"You know how I feel about you
And you keep telling me
That he hurt you again
I must be some kind of man..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The G Spot" album, click "
Gerald Levert Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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