Gerald Levert - Too Much Room Lyrics
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Gerald Levert Singer Lyrics
Too Much Room Song Lyrics
Gerald Levert
The G Spot (2002)
Song Title:
Too Much Room
R&B: Soul
Print Version
feat. Mystikal
Ow, good God
(I'm down at the club, y'all, yeah)
Boogie down baby (Move ya)
Shake what ya mama made
I see by how you movin'
You could take it, take it, take it
Hips don't lie, her booty be talkin'
Grip your thighs
We ain't gon' let no big fat woman come pump us
We gon' get so bodacious and rambunctious
Get down baby, don't let nothin' hold ya back
Daddy movin' in, I'm 'bout to close the jam
I'm on fire
When you're moving that thing at me
Got me burnin'
I need your body up close to me
My emotions
Got me feelin' real freakily
Don't be nervous
I'm gonna whoop ya like it's s'pose to be, baby
1 - Do you wanna party baby
Shakin' what yo' mama gave ya
Just wanna dance, I wanna dance
Don't cha be ashamed to back that thing up
It's too much room (It's scandalous)
Too much, too much room babe, babe
2 - There's too much room up in here
Put your hand a little closer babe
So you can feel me shake it
Yeah, yeah, come on babe
Baby, but you can handle it, it's scandalous
There's too much room up in here
Put your hand a little closer babe
So you can feel me shake it
Yeah, yeah, come on babe
Baby, but you can handle it, it's scandalous
You give me a fever
Cuz I'm runnin' like a rent-it sign
Ain't no reason
We can't do it to new styles
Can't you feel me
And you know that it's gettin' hard
To control it
Baby girl, I'mma have to call the cops
Come on, babe
Repeat 1
Repeat 2
Repeat 2
Here we go, here we go now
Too Much Room Lyrics
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Other Gerald Levert song Lyrics
One Million Times
Can?t let you get away girl
Ohh no
I can?t let you walk away girl..."
Groove On
Gotta get my groove on
Baby can you move on
Gotta get gotta get..."
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"Girl who you been talking to
Tell me whose been lying to you
They say I'm cheatin' doing this and that
Why you frontin' girl..."
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Come on let me rub your back
Kiss on your neck like I used to do
See you're tense you gotta let go..."
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I'm sorry I'm unable
To answer this call right now
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Someone told you
That I've been hanging out
Cheating at night..."
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"You know how I feel about you
And you keep telling me
That he hurt you again
I must be some kind of man..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "The G Spot" album, click "
Gerald Levert Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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