Gerald Levert F/ Antoinette Roberson - Taking Everything Lyrics
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Gerald Levert F/ Antoinette Roberson Singer Lyrics
Taking Everything Song Lyrics
Gerald Levert F/ Antoinette Roberson
Song Title:
Taking Everything
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[Thought I told you ]
[Dont call here no more]
[I aint gonna tell you]
[But one more time]
[Dont you call, no...]
I dont care what your father say
I dont care what your mother say
I dont care what your sister say
I dont care what them judges say
You cant take my babies away [But you aint got no choice]
Babies away, no, no, baby [Listen, huh]
Five years, two kids, and a dog
Boy, I cooked for you even cleaned your dirty drawers
Boy, I trusted you
But then I busted you (But it wasnt me baby, see)
Mercedes Benz, famous friends, and a maid
I was talkin bout your heavy loan
While I busted my a## out on the road for you
That incident you think you seen
Baby girl, baby girl, wasnt really me [Huh, who was it, who was it]
You took my heart (No, no, no)
You took my cars (Oh, no)
You took my crib (Why, why, why, why)
Got the nerve to take my kids (Take my kids)
Got the nerve to take my kids (Why you wanna take my kids and my)
Im taking everything, everything, everything [Im gonna take
[All that you have is gonna be mine]
Im taking everything, everything, everything [Damn right, damn right,
damn right, damn right]
You musta had nothin in a while
Cause every time you get horny, tryin to keep me from my child
Aint that what youre tryin to do, baby, oh, baby
Youre just hateful girl, hateful girl, yeah
Boy, I sexed you just because (Ooh)
Must be thinkin that your strokin was more better than it was
Now Imma make it short (Aint gotta be like that, baby)
Oh yeah, kiss all your s@#$ goodbye (Aint gotta be that way, no, no...)
Im gon see your a## in court
You took my heart [Im gon take everything]
You took my cars [Take all your cars, all your heart] (Take it, baby)
You got the nerve to take my kids (Dont take my kids)
You got the nerve to take my kids (See, see baby, Imma have to put a
root on you, ha)
Im taking everything, everything, everything (See, mama said you want
no good)
[She never really knew my name]
Im taking everything, everything, everything [Your daddy tried do, do,
do, do] (I loved you)
[Why, did you have to go and sex my friend]
[Sex my friend, sex my friend]
Why did you have to take away my Benz
Both of them, both of them
[Why do you keep on calling on my phone]
[Now I got you thinkin about it, thinkin about it]
Why, cause I thought my kids would be at home
All alone, all alone
Oh, why, why, oh, why
Oh, why, oh, why, oh, why, oh...
Why, why, why, why, why, why
Taking everything
Youre taking everything
Youre taking everything
Taking Everything Lyrics
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