Gerardo Garza Chetes - Going around Lyrics

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Artist: Gerardo Garza Chetes
Song Title: Going around
Visits: 866
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Wait, don't go away;
listen, just play the game.
Wait, open up the door;
you know there's nothing we can lose.

Anyway, everyone makes mistakes.
It's not like you can choose it,
just go ahead and do it.

Can't you see?
Or is it only me?
Is there anything I believe for real?
Is there anything I believe for real?

I'm going around again.
'Cause if you think I've lost the way
I'm going around again.
Going around again.
Before it gets too late
and if you think it's all the same.
I'm going around again.
Going around again.

Got a lot to say but now,
I've lost your track,
don't know where to start.
Are you sure of what you're doing?
Do you think is worth to do it?

No matter how long it takes
anything's going to change.
'Cause everything I believe is real.
'Cause everything I believe is real.

I'm going around again.
'Cause if you think I've lost the way
I'm going around again.
Going around again.
Before it gets too late
and if you think it's all the same.
I'm going around again.
Going around again.
I'm leaving all behind,
I'm going to find the reasons why.
I'm going around again.
Going around again.

I'm going around again.
'Cause if you think I've lost the way
I'm going around again.
Going around again.
Before it gets too late
and if you think it's all the same.
I'm going around again.
Going around again.
I'm leaving all behind,
I'm going to find the reasons why.
I'm going around again.
Going around again.

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