Gerry Rafferty - Take The Money And Run Lyrics

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Artist: Gerry Rafferty
Gerry Rafferty Author
Song Title: Take The Money And Run
Visits: 683
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I was caught up in a fever

In that summer of ?69

And my heart was cryin' out for change

And I knew time was comin' when I'd get away.

So I moved down to that city

Where I met a friend of mine

And I must admit he tried to warn me well

With all those bad luck stories he could tell.

He said "Take the money and run,

Take the money and run

Believe it, in this town you can't trust anyone

You're gonna learn that lesson my son".

"Take the money and run,

Buy yourself a place in the sun

Don't be a fool, don't you trust anyone

You gotta take the money and run, take the money and run".

He was broken, he was wasted

He'd been brought down to his knee

And his heart was crying out for truth

You could see the whole world's sadness in his eyes.

So I took good care of business

At least as far as I could see

I could read the signs and I knew all the lines

But so many times his voice came back to me.

"Take the money and run,

Get it at the point of a gun

Believe it, in this town you can't trust anyone

You're gonna learn that lesson my son".

"Take the money and run,

Buy yourself a place in the sun

Don't be a fool, don't you trust anyone

You gotta take the money and run, take the money and run".

I've been wanderin' through this wasteland

Where the blind go leading the blind

And the only sound on the money-go-round

Was the million voices waiting to be found.

I could only hear a whisper

It was comin' from the one I loved

And her heart was saying this can't be right

All my wasted days and all her lonely nights.

Take the money and run,

Get it at the point of a gun

Believe it, n this town you can't trust anyone

You're gonna learn that lesson my son.

Take the money and run,

Buy yourself a place in the sun

Don't be a fool, don't you trust anyone

You gotta take the money and run, take the money and run.

Drums: Liam Genockey

Bass Guitar: Mo Foster

Keyboards: Graham Preskett

Fiddle: Graham Preskett

Electric Guitar: Richard Brunton

Acoustic Guitar: Gerry Rafferty

Percussion: Frank Ricotti

Sax: Raphael Ravenscroft

Accordion: John Kirkpatrick

Penny Whistle: Richard Harvey

Vocals: Gerry Rafferty

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    I watch them swing, I watch them sway..."
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