Gerry Rafferty - Welcome to Hollywood Lyrics

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Artist: Gerry Rafferty
Gerry Rafferty Author
Album: Snakes and Ladders (1980)
Gerry Rafferty - Snakes and Ladders Album
Song Title: Welcome to Hollywood
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 814
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(Hollywood-sounding guy talking)

Hi man, do you like it here man?

It's really too much

Hey I know this great Mexican restaurant called Los Tacos

Can you say taco?

Sure I thought you could

Hey I know this great beach down in Santa Monica Boulevard

Do you like the sun?

It makes me feel real tingly all over

Hey, have you checked out Palm Springs?

What a place, Palm Springs

You'll love it, you'll absolutely love it!

Can you say love?

Sure, I know you're into it.

In El Padrino's at the happy hour

They've got a drink they say is made from passionflowers

So neat, so sweet.

They bring it all the way from Mexico

It's guaranteed to take you where you want to go

Oh boy, enjoy.

And you leave to see how the city feels

In the moonlight everything's so unreal

But when the sun shines everything tastes so good

And the sign says "Welcome to Hollywood".

They got a big house and a swimming pool

They sit around and everybody looks so cool

So bad, so sad.

Stuck in the middle with the blues again

You should know better, when you ever gonna learn

So long, so long.

And you leave to see how the city feels

In the moonlight everything's so unreal

But when the sun shines everything tastes so good

And the sign says "Welcome to Hollywood".

In El Padrino's at the happy hour

They've got a drink they say is made from passionflowers

So neat, so sweet.

They bring it all the way from Mexico

It's guaranteed to take you where you want to go

Oh boy, enjoy.

And you leave to see how the city feels

In the moonlight everything's so unreal

But when the sun shines everything tastes so good

And the sign says "Welcome to Hollywood".

(fade til end)

In Hollywood, in Hollywood

In Hollywood, in Hollywood

(a different Hollywood-sounding guy talking)

Yeah in Hollywood, hey in Hollywood baby

Gerry, love it! love it!

Get down Gerry, get down in Hollywood

Hey it's 80 degrees in Burbank,

85 Inglewood, 90 in the Valley

and 110 in my heart for Gerry Rafferty

Gerry get down baby

Heavy sounds, radio KRAP

You're gonna love it

I said in Hollywood

Gerry we're gonna hit the mountains

We're gonna hit the beaches

And hit you with this

Gerry baby you fry my brain and drive me insane!

Get down in Hollywood Gerry

Woooh! What'd I say baby!

Drums: Liam Genockey

Bass Guitar: Mo Foster

Lead Guitar and Swells: Jerry Donahue

Other Guitar: Richard Brunton

Piano/Clavinet: Billy Livsey

Synthesizers: Ian Lynn

Saxophone: Raphael Ravenscroft

Acoustic Guitar: Gerry Rafferty

Percussion: Frank Ricotti

Vocals: Gerry Rafferty

Mystery Voice: Billy Livsey

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Snakes and Ladders" album, click "Gerry Rafferty Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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