Ghetto Twiinz - No Pain No Gain Lyrics
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No Pain No Gain Song Lyrics
Ghetto Twiinz
Song Title:
No Pain No Gain
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f/ Mia X
Mia X:
Mama Mia and the Ghetto Twiinz
puttin down the real y'all
something y'all can feel y'all
No Pain No Gain, believe that
Mama told me there be days like this
You have to be bout your hustle if you planin to be rich
It always takes a nobody to bring ya down
But it take somebody to stand in grounds
Have mercy on our kids today (have mercy)
Surviving tryin to make a way (have mercy)
The killers got me back in heat, I can't trust them
Why you wanna capture me?Straight buckin
Gonna always face pain in life
I ain't sayin it's gon' be easy u gotta gain some strife
Just because I'm from the ghetto, it's even harder
I gotta be strong and bustin my ass for my son and daughter
Don't you call me a lie cause I'm living proof
slangin drugs yes I used too, bust slugs if I have too
So don't tell me what you can't do or won't do
Just keep ya head up and stay true
Chorus: (repeat 3x) No Pain No Pain, No Gain (no gain)
You can be a cook in the kitchen, a lady in the streets
you cant show your tits to every guy you meet
It's alright to be a little sweet
but being mama to them kids and your no
Mia X:
Sisters I know it's hard cause everyday it's a struggle
Being both mommy and daddy, tryin to hustle
Anyway you can just to bring home the bacon
Baby daddy fakin it
Keepin your head achin
Takin shit off a job payin you 4.65, an hr. (damn)
Feeling like slaves cause the white man still holds the power
But your strength will get (stronger) soon, remember that
because we God's children.. strong, fearless and black
Fact still remains we are harder then a motherfucker
Lord, how long they gonna try to keep ya children under
Don't sit and wonder, pull ya'self up and stand firm
Cause every bit of pain you take is a lesson learned
You earned the right to be a queen girl
So take your throne
And if your man is a good man, then be his back bone
We strong like Noah's ark, we gon' make it thru the rain again
I know it seems bad but we gon' laugh after the pain again
Believe that...
Out here strugglin and striving got me screamin for help
Ain't nobody giving me shit I gotta get it myself
got my back against the wall but I'm surviving this shit
Can't run, can't hide in the midst of the shit
Who do you call when your kids get hungry
Can't call on baby daddy he left you lonely
Only lord know the pain that we fightin inside
Don't you cry, dry your eyes it's either do or die
Mama made us some strong women, gotta be strong women
Gotta hold on women, and best believe we gon' make it
through the storm women, never let them see you sweat
if you under pressure, pressure
So don't let them stress ya
Don't let them get the best of ya
Cause if they do they is gonna take advantage of ya
So keep it true, see we be fightin against the world
Precious like a pearl, got me screamin fuck the world
No Pain No Gain Lyrics
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