Ghost of the Robot - Clips From Buffy And Angel Episodes Lyrics

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Artist: Ghost of the Robot
Song Title: Clips From Buffy And Angel Episodes
Visits: 827
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Spike in girlie voice: How can I thank you, you mysterious black
clad hunk of a knight thing.
Spike in Cheesy Man voice:No need little lady.Your tears of
gratitude are enough for me.You see I was once a badass vampire,
but love and a pesky curse defanged me.And now I?m just a big
fluffy puppy with bad teeth.No! Not the hair, never the hair.
Spike in girlie voice: But there must be some way I can show my
Spike in Cheesy Man voice: NO!Helping those in need?s my job.
And working up a load of sexual tension, and then prancing away like
a magnificent poof is truly thanks enough.
Spike in girlie voice: I understand I have a nephew who?s gay?
Spike in Cheesy Man voice: Say no more!Evil?s still afoot.And
I?m almost out of that nancy boy hair gel I like so much.
Quickly!To the Angel mobile away!

New scene

Oz: Hello L.A.
Cordelia: Oz? O my god?Oz! I am so happy to see you!
Good ?ol Oz?Oz! Oz!
Doyle: Lemme just take a stab at it?you?d be Oz?
Oz: Good guess.
Cordelia: This is so cool...I mean here you are, in L.A. and you?re
the total embodiment of all things Sunnydale.
Oz: Well it?s a burden, but I manage.
Cordelia: OK! We have serious catching up to do. How?s everything?
How?s, How?s the Bronze?
Oz: The same
Cordelia: And the gang?
Oz: Their good.
Cordelia: Good, GOOD!....GOOD!
Oz: We done?
Cordelia: Completely

New scene

Cordelia: I?ve heard?but I doubt very much?that the main
characters are Betty and Barney Rubble, as you so vehemently
insisted last night.Also I don?t think Oz appreciated being called
my little Bam Bam all night.

New scene

Spike: Cordelia?you look smashing?.
Cordelia: YES! You know there?s this great gym on?.hey!

New Scene

Cordelia: Spike?s nearly done Buffy in a few times.I mention he has
killed two slayers already?
Doyle:You did.
Cordelia: Oh! And this one time he and Dru raised this demon that
burned people alive from the inside.It was this whole weird thing
with an arm in a box,
Doyle: An arm in a box?
*phone rings*
Doyle: It?s close enough dimwit.

New Scene

Spike: What is it with you good guys runnin? in packs?Who?s this one
Doyle: More than meets the eye, Blondie.Where?s Angel?
Spike: Um? Tall brooding guy?Caveman brow?He?s having
the living Hell tortured out of him.
Cordelia: I don?t trust you.
Spike: A coin of popular Sunnydale phrase?duh!

New Scene

Spike: And suddenly I?m so painfully bored! In one piece was
never part of the deal.

New Scene

*Weird sound*
Spike: Lucy, I?m home?.Bloody hell.

New Scene

Spike: SON OF A BITCH!I do the work, I do the digging, fight off
the slayer, drive to L.A. I hire the help. And what do I get?
Bloody screwed is what!Well, that cinches it! No more partners.
From now on?I?m my own man!Lone wolf?soul survivor?here,
Look out!Here comes Spike...the biggest baddest mother?.moan
*sound of fire*?..I really hope they kill each other?

New Scene

Oz: Incredibly pale.He's just very pail?He's paler than most people?

New Scene:

Angel: I don?t know about you, but I had a nice day.
You know except for the fact that I was nearly tortured to death.
Doyle: But you stood up?
Angel:O god...I was this close to telling them everything.
I mean one more hot poker and I was giving them the ring?
Your mom everything.How is your mom?

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Other Ghost of the Robot song Lyrics
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    Falls in my arms and sleeps like a bird
    Startle, wakes up, like she don't know me
    Cocks back her fist like she's going to slug me..."
  • Blocking Brainwaves
    "Do you want to be happy?
    Do you want to have fun?
    Take on buried treasure
    I could be the one......"
  • Call 911
    "The sun no longer shines on your side
    Remember this cold
    When the fog wont lift in your town
    And you turn old..."
  • Chocolate Jesus
    "Don't go to church on Sunday
    Don't get on my knees to pray
    Don't memorize the books of the Bible
    I got my own special way..."
  • Dangerous
    "I don't think you know my name
    I think you'd leave me standing in the rain
    You're a pretty little girl, got a thing for me
    But you'd cut me open and let me bleed..."
  • David Letterman
    "Wouldn't it be nice, if I could be, David Letterman?
    Wouldn't in be rad, if I could be, your favorite t.v. personality?
    Wouldn't it be sweet, if I could laugh you to sleep,
    five nights a week?..."
  • Fire
    "I'm driving in your car
    I turn on the radio
    You're pulling me close
    I just say no..."
  • German. Jewish
    "I'm German, you're Jewish
    How could we ever make it through this?
    I've got this problem, that seems to linger
    Everytime I find myself around your finger..."
  • ...Show All

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