Ghost of the Robot - GermanJewish Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> G>> Ghost of the Robot Singer Lyrics>> GermanJewish Song Lyrics
Artist: Ghost of the Robot
Song Title: GermanJewish
Visits: 788
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I'm German, you're Jewish

How could we ever make it through this?

I've got this problem, that seems to linger

Everytime I find myself around your finger

This would make more sence, in another time

Not in America where we're westernized

But if we were, what would I do

What would I have said to what we've gone through?

War won't stop me, I'm no Nazi

That's why i'd never tell

If you were fighting, surviving hiding

Behind an old bookshelf

I'm German, you're Jewish

How could we ever make it through this?

I've got this problem, that seems to linger

Everytime I find myself around your finger

you've always been above, in some higher class

i'm just a small rockstar, you're an actress

what could i say, to ever prove to you

that there can be a love between a German and a Jew?

War won't stop me, I'm no Nazi

That's why i'd never tell

If you were fighting, surviving hiding

Behind an old bookshelf...

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    "The sun no longer shines on your side
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    And you turn old..."
  • Chocolate Jesus
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  • Clips From Buffy And Angel Episodes
    "clad hunk of a knight thing.
    gratitude are enough for me.You see I was once a badass vampire,
    but love and a pesky curse defanged me.And now I?m just a big
    fluffy puppy with bad teeth.No! Not the hair, never the hair...."
  • Dangerous
    "I don't think you know my name
    I think you'd leave me standing in the rain
    You're a pretty little girl, got a thing for me
    But you'd cut me open and let me bleed..."
  • David Letterman
    "Wouldn't it be nice, if I could be, David Letterman?
    Wouldn't in be rad, if I could be, your favorite t.v. personality?
    Wouldn't it be sweet, if I could laugh you to sleep,
    five nights a week?..."
  • Fire
    "I'm driving in your car
    I turn on the radio
    You're pulling me close
    I just say no..."

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