Giant Gentle - In A Glass House Lyrics

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Artist: Giant Gentle
Giant Gentle Author
Album: In a Glass House (Live) (1973)
Giant Gentle - In a Glass House (Live) Album
Song Title: In A Glass House
Genre: Rock
Visits: 692
Print Version

Looking through the window can you tell me what you see.
You're sure you're really seeing what is meant to be a Glass
a mirror to reflect what I conspire a vision, image I desire.

Standing on the ice believing all I'm searching for
Close your cloudy eyes and chase all that you did before
Standing on the ice believing all I'm for
Close your cloudy eyes and chase all that you did before

Living in a glass house shielding all that's meant for me
Can you clear the shade and can you tell me what you see.

Shadow fills the light until the glass house becomes the
Dark is gleaming or am I dreaming

Running everywhere
Seeing clearly when I dare
Is it today or is it your way

And the moon must fall
Inspiration waits for your call for you to get a silhouette

Narrow the field aim in any direction
Do what I feel just to see my reflection

Any turn I know
Disappearing everywhere I go
I look to you for what I do

And only then I see
That the glass house is just for me
And any time is never mine

Narrow the field aim in any direction
Do what I feel just to see my reflection

Shadow fills the light until the glass house becomes night
Dark is gleaming or am I dreaming

Running everywhere
Seeing clearly when I dare
Is it today or is it your way

And the moon must fall
Inspiration waits for your call for you to get a silhouette

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Other Giant Gentle song Lyrics
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  • A Reunion
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    Looking still the same after all these years changing only in
    my memories not clear..."
  • Interview
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    and we're together even now.
    Why do you ask? Surely you know it!
    Isn't it clear just when and how...."
  • Give It Back
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    working for years have no money,
    suddenly luck can smile on you
    and your life seems worth while to you...."
  • Design
    "As years drift by
    and future dies.
    1. He sits and he thinks
    about all he's done in life,..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "In a Glass House (Live)" album, click "Giant Gentle Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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