Gino Vannelli - Shame Lyrics

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Artist: Gino Vannelli
Gino Vannelli Author
Album: Inconsolable Man (1990)
Gino Vannelli - Inconsolable Man Album
Song Title: Shame
Genre: Pop
Visits: 743
Print Version

The city's burning with desire
High-heeled chicks turnin' tricks in a trance
Pin-stripe zombies on fire
Sayin' hey baby, here's a dime for a dance
(out on the street)
I see innocent faces in the rain
(out on the street)
I see make-up runnin' down from tears of pain
Down the drain

Now mama tell it like it is
It's a shame
For what papa did
It's a shame
Your sister should've told you so
It's a shame
'cause nobody wants to know

The neon moon turns red around midnight
Junior junkies and runaway girls
Blue eyed babies posing in the headlights
Another stray cat in a dog eat dog world
(out on the street)
Ain't no room for no cheap talkin' prayer
(out on the street)
You don't know what it's like 'till you're there
And you're runnin' scared

Now mama tell it like it is
It's a shame
The way papa hurt his kid
It's a shame
Your sister should've told you so
It's a shame
C'mon man let her go

So young
Yet so old
So hard to find a friend
She lives from lover to lover
'till there's nothing left of her
Yeah sweet daddy scores again

Now mama tell it like it is
It's a shame
The way papa hurt his kid
It's a shame
Your sister should've told you so
It's a shame
C'mon man let her go

The world should've let you know
C'mon man let her go
Shame on the school
Shame on the teacher
Shame on those sticky little fingers all over that helpless creature
Shame on the parish
Shame on the preacher
From where he stands that man don't have half a chance to reach her
Shame shame shame
On me and you
Shame shame shame
Now what are we goin' to do

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  • Love Me Now
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    but can't you realize I'd cause you just pain
    cause men like me capricious and free
    live life alone and confused..."
  • Mama Coco
    "Mama coco hey you're lookin heavy
    Mama coco ho you're lookin' good
    Mama coco yes I've been getting hungry
    Mama coco feed me woman food..."
  • Father And Son
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    And you bear a son so much like yourself
    And it's hard to believe that he's a grown man
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  • Where Am I Going
    "Where am I going
    Have I gone to far
    Have I lost my mind
    Where are my eyes..."
  • Keep On Walking
    "I gotta keep walking to someone I love
    This empty heart's in jeopardy
    Living without you
    It seems I keep falling for someone somewhere..."
  • Love Is a Night
    "Hangin' out in New Orleans
    Diggin' on the bourbon scenes
    Just feelin' the vibes of the oncoming days
    There ain't no texan chaparral..."
  • Gettin High
    "I don't care much for smokin' weed
    You know I'm a man of a different breed
    I don't thrive on drinking alcohol
    'Sides I'm feelin' much too tall..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Inconsolable Man" album, click "Gino Vannelli Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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