Gloria Gaynor - Honey Bee Lyrics

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Artist: Gloria Gaynor
Song Title: Honey Bee
Visits: 678
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Honey bee
Honey bee
Honey bee

You're my honey bee [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me [Your love is sweet as can be]
You're my honey bee [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me [Your love is sweet as can be]

You're always so busy
Workin' on love's honeycomb
Chalk full of sugar down your sweet mouth
Every time you kiss me, boy, really turns me on

You're always buzzin', buzzin', buzzin'
Love is in the air
There's nothin' like your lovin'
Boy, it's beyond compare, yeah

You're my honey bee [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me [Your love is sweet as can be]
You're my honey bee, yeah [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me [Your love is sweet as can be]

There's so much love power
In everything you bring to me
Whenever I'm snuggled in your arms
The love you bring makes my heart sing

You know love is where you are
There's where I want to be
When its cold outside
You're honey love's so good to me

You're my honey bee, oh, yeah [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me, oh [Your love is sweet as can be]
You're my honey bee [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me, ah [Your love is sweet as can be], ow


You're my honey bee [You're my honey bee, baby]
Come on and sting me, yeah [Your love is sweet as can be]
You're my honey bee [You're my honey bee, baby]
Sweet love, oh [Your love is sweet as can be]

Honey, honey, honey [You're my honey bee, baby]
Honey bee [Your love is sweet as can be]
Sweet love [You're my honey bee, baby]
Sweet love, give it to me [Your love is sweet as can be]

Got to have it, need your love, ah, yeah [You're my honey bee, baby]
Sweet honey bee, yeah [Your love is sweet as can be]
Sweet [You're my honey bee, baby] love, ah'
[Your love is sweet as can be]

You're my honey bee

Honey Bee Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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