Gorky Park - City of Pain Lyrics
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Gorky Park Singer Lyrics
City of Pain Song Lyrics
Gorky Park
Moscow Calling (1993)
Song Title:
City of Pain
Print Version
When the sun goes down on the city street
And the shadows move through the night
Daddy's little angel begins her dance
To the beat of the flashing lights
Down the murder mile with a seductive smile
She plays a desperate game
With a sweet caress another trick is blessed
On the corner of the 3rd and Main
In the city of pain
Through the toxic fog down the dirty streets
I follow her steps like a cat
Past the drugged out scenes
The transvestite queens
Past the order side of the tracks
She's a hard sell as she casts her spell
She's the wicked witch of the west
The touch of her skin the smell of her sin
My fantasies burn through my flesh
In the city of pain
In the city of pain
You giving away your body
Burning away your body
Deep in the heart of night
Maybe you need somebody
Maybe you need somebody
Deep in the heart of night
Bad to the bone you gotta
Make at alone you gotta
Right to be wrong to be right
In the city of pain
In the city of pain
She burns hot for now but she knows somehow
It's only a matter of time
She's gotta make her play until the day
When she lays all on a line
Through the broken glass of atonement window
Through the eyes of a little girl
You can see you can see her hopeless dreams
Light up a hopeless world - In the city of pain
In the city of pain
City of Pain Lyrics
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Other Gorky Park song Lyrics
All Roads
"I couldn't see you were good for me
When I was with you there
I was going places I had to make it
Out there somewhere..."
Dont Pull the Trigger
"Are too apathetic to see
That is crumbling at your feet
Holding on by the skin of it's teeth
Eroding, exploding..."
Moscow Calling
"Getting on a phone with a busy line
Talking on a phone and losing my mind
Never never never never realize
It feels so far, like a millions miles..."
Politics of Love
"Call me a dreamer
My dream is sharp like a knife
I wanna look to the future
I wanna see you alive..."
"Stranger next to me, have I seen your face
Stranger next to me, have I seen this place
Oh stranger you're so close I can hold your hand
I'm a stranger oh just like you don't you understand..."
"Got no excuse NET You shake it up DA
Can't step aside NET When hit is up DA
No one's away NET It just began DA
Ain't gonna wait NET Move it come on DA..."
Tell Me Why
"Who's to say which one of us is right
Everything ain't always black and white
Now trying to change it ain't easy
Nobody wants to believe me..."
"Wake up in a cold sweat
Nightmares buzzing at my brain
No one beside me
Got to be a better way..."
...Show All
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Gorky Park Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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