Graham Nash - On The Line Lyrics

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Artist: Graham Nash
Song Title: On The Line
Visits: 791
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Hanging around is holding me down
I'm starting to frown at everyone I see,
I'm taking the calls and playing the halls,
but staring at walls is all I ever see.
So is the money I make
worth the price that I pay?
Can I make it to the end of the line?
Don't the wind blow cold
when you're hanging your soul
on the line?

And you're driving to work
you're wearing your shirt
you're dialing the dirt
with everyone you see.
You're taking a loss,
you envy the boss,
you're counting the cost
of everything you see.

But is the money you make
worth the price that you pay?
Can you make it at the end of the line?
Don't the wind blow cold
when you're hanging your soul
on the line?

Oooh, and you know that it's true
that I've watched you go far
playing guitar
being a star
for everyone to see.
And I'm filming my dreams
from limousines
and thinking of scenes
for everyone to see.

But is the money you make
worth the price that you pay?
Can you make it at the end of the line?
Don't the wind blow cold
when you're hanging your soul
on the line?

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