Gravity Fighting - Spinning Lyrics

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Artist: Gravity Fighting
Song Title: Spinning
Visits: 765
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(Lyrics, Music: Leitch)
Too many people for too many things
Can you wait up for me to catch you?
Too many people for too many things
Can you wait up for me, can you wait up for me?
Scatterbrain we hear the prophets speaking on their own behalf
with their crooked smiles for a little while
on temporary sacred ground to bruise the knees for those around
praying, saying what you knew could be was what you wouldn't see
How could the man in black and white wait up to say his grace
on speaking terms again, speaking up, falling down
on temporary sacred ground to bruise the knees for those around
praying, saying what you knew could be was what you wouldn't see
Spinning faster to slow down
Build your house on sacred ground
Spinning faster to slow down
Waiting for you, waiting for me (2X)
As if you didn't know, it doesn't seem a bit surprising
A little less for more, you walk in the sunlight's early rising
repeating once, repeating twice to fall and fall and fall again
The drink is slowing, the smoke is burning
The clock still ticking, the oceans flowing
The people looking, the rain still falling
The world still spinning faster to slow down
Too many people for too many things
Can you wait up for me?
Can you wait up for me?
Playing hide and seek again, try to catch me if you can
Sit and laugh with you at you, it never ends, it never wins
on temporary sacred ground to bruise the knees for those around
praying, saying what you knew could be was what you wouldn't see
Spin and tear this game to play
Spin and fall another day
Too many people for too many things
Too many people for too many things
Can you wait up for me?
Can you wait up for me?

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Other Gravity Fighting song Lyrics
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  • Fools And Kings
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  • I Disagree
    "think i've forgotten most of what it was
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    words can be so black and white
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  • Lost In The Rain
    "I wake to a voice comforting saying "hey you, you're ok, ok, ok"
    and I feel alright
    Should I feel this way?
    Knowing that it's difficult being me knowing you..."
  • Lost Our Way
    "when we joined up you could see the northern lights
    dancing our future in the sky
    green, tangerine and colors no one's ever seen
    to us it would never die..."
  • Mission Bells
    "Maybe tonight, maybe tomorrow, maybe 3 a.m., I will recall the sound
    of the little ones so quiet as you turned to make your way back home
    Everybody wondered, everybody here decided
    Maybe if the rains had come to wash my face I'd be okay, but then,..."
  • One Day
    "A little child with larger eyes making faces from the clouds above
    so simple in so many different ways
    Mom and dad would fix his hair before he went outside to play
    The tightest grip on every word they say..."
  • Quiet Angel
    "She'd dazed in the light of her new life
    tender hands to touch the ones who never see her
    floating up above the darkening clouds
    closer to where she started, where it all will end..."

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