Gray Macy - It Aint The Money Lyrics

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Artist: Gray Macy
Gray Macy Author
Song Title: It Aint The Money
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 668
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Heart of mine, milk and honey, it ain't the money no we know.
Doin' lines, ain't it funny that it ain't the money, now we know.

After the money they lust sell their souls for the unlimited cash
Flow, in god we trust but that's never in class though, enron,
Worldcom, ceo assholes a monopoly to collect whenever they
Pass go, big screen TV's nigga please, there will be no alerts b4
They search the siege 13 hrs in the seal with 13 leaves 13
Steps that it takes to see 13 thieves.

Hidee high, lowdy low, get up and go to the show, every time
I get low I get up and go to the show.

I fell in love with her once she was evil I remember, her 18th
Birthday she became legal tender. Some say she was heaven sent
With skeletons in her closet, traded herself for drugs and stayed
Inside of her wallet. I know women who couldn't have her who
Became alcoholics, in the fetal position bent over toilets
And calling for earl with pains in their bladders so people listen
When I tell you it really don't matter.

Betcha giving head to a movie star betcha gotta llama riding in
Your car betcha u gotta tv built in your jet skis, betcha giving
Head to a movie star betcha gotta llama riding in your car
Betcha u gotta tv built in your jet skis.

Hidee high, lowdy low, get up and go to the show.

Ain't it funny how the money makes the honey taste like nothing
You can't have no more? How we know. Ain't it funny how the
Money makes the honey taste like nothing you can't have no
More? Now we know. Ain't it funny how the money makes to
Honey taste just like nothing - people act like they have but
They're bluffing now we know that it don't mean nothing.

Peace of mind fill my tummy it ain't the money, now we know.
Hard to find got my something it ain't the money know we know.
Hidee high lowdy low, get up and go to the show. Now we know.
Now we know

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  • Forgiveness
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    need to be touched by you but you're not around
  • When I See You
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    All I wanted was to hold you tight
    I'm sorry, baby, never meant to be mean to ya
    And I hope you call me back tonight..."
  • She Aint Right for You
    "Wrote me in a letter
    That she makes you feel better
    All of the things you said to her
    But I feel what I feel, its real..."
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