Great White - Man In The Sky Lyrics
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Great White Singer Lyrics
Man In The Sky Song Lyrics
Great White
Let It Rock (1996)
Song Title:
Man In The Sky
Rock: Hard-Rock
Print Version
(music & lyrics: Griffin, Russell)
Man In The Sky, throw me a lifeline;
I'm just gettin', by burnin' the midnight oil.
Man In The Sky, I'm tryin' to tell you,
I come to find it's not worth fightin' for.
Ah, the sun in my eyes is all that I'm livin' for,
Ah, full moon on the rise is all that's worth dyin' for.
Man In The Sky, I'm dyin' to see you,
I realize that I'm getting old.
Man In The Sky, I'm trying to tell you,
it's time to fly, freedom is my choice.
Man In The Sky, I'm caught in the pipeline,
I'm just getting by burning the midnight oil...
Man In The Sky, I'm trying to tell you,
I've come to find it ain't worth fighting for.
...All that's worth dying for
Man In The Sky, Man In The Sky,
dyin' to see you, dyin' to see you, ohhh, ohhh...
it's all that's worth dyin' for,
all that's worth dyin' for.
Man In The Sky...
It's all that's worth dyin' for...
It's all that's worth dyin' for.
Man In The Sky Lyrics
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Other Great White song Lyrics
Out of the Night
"Your mama told you baby, I'm not the man for you
And what your daddy told you darlin, ain't nothin'
but the truth!
I'm a rocker, I'm a roller,..."
Stick It
"The old man told me "Hey you! Make a choice.
You can the music and stop all the noise,
Or you can get out and find your own way!"
I told him "Stick it." My rock's here to stay...."
"You think we look pretty good together?
You think my jeans are made of leather?
Well I'm a substitute for another guy
I look pretty tall, but my heels are high..."
Bad Boys
"Young boy. A hard, gin, ride. On the loose again
"Live fast to play both sides. I'm out to win.
I'm no loser. I have nothing to lose.
My life ain't easy, but it's mine to use...."
On Your Knees
"I can take you up, I can tear you down
I'm a heat wave comin' at you
Takin' what I please, fallin' on your knees
You need me, yes you do...."
"Every life has a price, every fool throws the dice
Even the winners have to pay. Every dog has its day
So watch out, watch what you do.
Someone's lookin' for you..."
No Better Than Hell
"Closing your eyes to the truth that surrounds you
Won't make life easy to take
Filling your heart with the hate that inflames you
Just makes it burn out and break...."
Hold On
"Staring out my window
See their faces, they can't hide.
Strangers from a daydream
Running rabid, pass me by...."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Let It Rock" album, click "
Great White Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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