Green Keith - So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt Lyrics

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Artist: Green Keith
Song Title: So You Wanna Go Back to Egypt
Visits: 667
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So you wanna go back to Egypt
Where it's warm and secure
Are sorry you bought the one way ticket
When you thought you were sure
You wanted to live in the land of promise
But now it's getting so hard
Are you sorry you're out here in the desert
Instead of your own back yard

Eating leaks and onions by the Nile
Ooh what breath for dining out in style
Ooh, my life's on the skids
Building the pyramids

Well there's nothing do but travel
And we sure travel a lot
'Cause it's hard to keep your feet from moving
When the sand gets so hot
And in the morning it's manna hotcakes
We snack on manna all day
And we sure had a winner last night for dinner
Flaming manna souffle

Well we once complained for something new to munch
The ground opened up and had some of us for lunch
Ooh, such fire and smoke
Can't God even take a joke? Huh? NO!

So you wanna to back to Egypt
Where your friends wait for you
You can throw a big party and tell the whole gang
Of what they said was all true
And this Moses acts like a big shot
Who does he think he is?
Well it's true that God works lots of miracles
But Moses thinks they're all his

Oh we're having so much trouble even now
Why'd he get so mad about that c-c-c-cow (that golded calf)
Moses seems rather idle
He just sits aound, he just sits around and writes the Bible!

Oh, Moses, put down your pen!
What? Oh no, manna again?

Oh, manna waffles....
Manna burgers
Manna bagels
Fillet of manna
Manna patty
BaManna bread!

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    ButnNow that's hard to do
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  • Draw Me
    "Draw me, oh, draw me, please draw me, my Jesus.
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    And if I can't get closer, I surely will die...."
  • Dust To Dust
    "Sometimes it's hard to see,
    Sometimes it's hard to get through to me,
    But i want to do all that you ask me to.
    Help me to follow through,..."
  • Easter Song
    "Here the bells ringing
    They're singing that you can be born again
    Here the bells ringing
    They're singing Christ is risen from the dead..."

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