Griffiths Marcia - I Shall Sing Lyrics
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Griffiths Marcia Singer Lyrics
I Shall Sing Song Lyrics
Griffiths Marcia
Song Title:
I Shall Sing
Print Version
I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
And I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
Mmm, even though I'm old but I'm young
A little weak, but I know I am strong
Old enough to know what's right
Young enough to dance all night
Too weak to hold it back
Strong enough it give you heart attack
The situation sweep my soul
As long as I live
I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
And I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
In my days I've seen many faces
Mmm, and been many places
Too late to turn back now
If I do Jah will strike me down
Yes, I have places to go
Yes, and a lot of things to do
If you think I'd give it up now
As long as I live
I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
And I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
Mmm, I thank God that he made me to sing
To the world all over love message I'll bring
He put a song in my heart, yes, I know
Come along people, good seeds we'll sow
I don't care what they do or say
I'll never stop singing, oh, no, no way
Some day I will get my pay
As long as I live
I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
And I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
Mmm, in my days I've seen many faces
Mmm, and been many places
Too late to turn back now
If I do Jah will strike me down
Yes, I have places to go
Yes, and a lot of things to do
If you think I'd give it up now
As long as I live
I shall sing as long as I live
And as long as I live, I shall sing
And I shall sing as long as I live (I know, I know, I know, I know)
And as long as I live, I shall sing
I shall sing
I Shall Sing Lyrics
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I love you truly..."
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