Groves Sara - How It Is Between Us Lyrics

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Artist: Groves Sara
Song Title: How It Is Between Us
Visits: 640
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Woke up on the wrong side of the bed,
the wrong side of the room,
the wrong side of the world.
Can't put my finger on the mood.
It's not melancholy, anger or the blues.
I love my husband, my house, my job.
Couldn't be any better,
and really what else is there?
Then I realize I'm forgetting God,
and that's the root of all my misery.
Lord, first of all, how is it between you and me?
. Chorus: How is it between us?
How is it between us?
When did I talk to you last,
and what has happened since?
How is it between us? How is it between us?
When did I talk to you last, and what has happened?

. When I wake up I am on my way,
reinventing the wheel and saving the day.
I have learned this lesson a thousand times,
I am the branch, and you are the vine.
Apart from you we are mice and men,
with our fancy dreams of grandeur and no way to get there.
Oh I can think about you now and then,
or I can make a mark on eternity.
Lord first of all, how is it, between you and me?
. Chorus .
So let the wicked prosper, let the oceans roar,
let the mountains crumble, and fall into the sea.
There's something more important weighing on my mind.
Lord first of all, how is it between you and me?

. Chorus.

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Other Groves Sara song Lyrics
  • All Right Here
    "It's every loss and every love
    It's every blessing from above
    Here I am, all added up
    Oh, it's all right here..."
  • Awakening
    "Dress down your pretty faith. Give me something real.
    Leave out the thee and thou and speak to me now.
    Speak to my pain and confusion.
    Speak through my fears and my pride...."
  • Cave of Adullum
    "Speak to me, speak to me in my cave of Adullam.
    Reach to me, reach to me.
    No one cares for my soul.
    I thought I saw your kingdom,..."
  • Conversations
    "I dont know how to say this
    I dont know where to stand
    I dont where to put my feet
    Or where to put my hands..."
  • Every Minute
    "I am long on staying.I am slow to leave,
    Especially when it comes to you my friend.
    You have taught me to slow down,
    And to prop up my feet...."
  • Everyday Miracles
    "It's the everyday miracles that keep my hope alive
    It's the way You move in little things that help me survive
    And I know You move in greater ways
    But this is great enough for me..."
  • First Song That I Sing
    "In the morning when I rise
    Help me to prioritize
    All the thoughts that fill my day
    Before my schedule..."
  • Fly
    "Speak in a summer tone,
    Pause in the afterglow.
    Tenderly whisper my name.
    Tell me once again, why I am your bride...."

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