H - The Evening Shadows Lyrics

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Artist: H
Song Title: The Evening Shadows
Visits: 676
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I have an animal inside me
He sleeps during the day
But he kicks and ticks even when he's sleeping
Never completely goes away

And as the evening shadows stretch themselves
The animal begins to wake
Comes out to see what is for breakfast
He takes whatever he can take

He isn't murderous or wicked
Sometimes he's like a little child
But he's voracious and insatiable
He's self-destructive and he's wild

I sometimes think about the animal
Sometimes I'm proud, Sometimes ashamed
I know he drove me from my hometown
Made me feel like I'm not the same

I know he stops me being boring
I think so anyway
And I don't know if I control him
But I must try to keep him chained

But he doesn't think about the future
He lives completely in the NOW

Doo bee doo bee dooo...

I sometimes see the other animals
Controlling other peoples lives
Doing things they thought they'd never do
And not really knowing why

So we must all beg for forgiveness
Say sorry and explain
Until the evening shadows stretch themselves
And here we go again

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