H2O - Friend Lyrics

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Artist: H2O
Song Title: Friend
Visits: 692
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If I say something that you don't like

Just think about it cause I may be right

If I say something just hear me out

Cause I just might know what I'm talking about

If I say something whatever I say

Cause my words have meaning and that's the truth

Life's full of problems and baby that's ok

Inside the crew and that's the way

So just remember that what I say

When I say something well don't turn your head

I'm here to help you when things go wrong

Lean on my shoulder my friend

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Other H2O song Lyrics
  • I Know Why
    "And so she said to me
    I'm leaving, I can't take it anymore
    For all that it's worth, I knew that was over
    Long before she turned the handle on my door..."
  • Gen-Eric
    "Where were you, you werent here
    I screamed and shouted, but you disappeared
    Where is the shoulder that made me cry?
    You went away, I dont know why..."
  • Surrounded
    "I wrote a story in the book of life today
    I turned the page and then I turned and walked away
    Cause what I wrote was just symbolic of the time
    I've been surrounded by another state of mind..."
  • Family Tree
    Don't forget your roots
    Don't forget your roots
    Don't forget your roots..."
  • Hi-Lo
    "Hi-Lo what does it mean
    Another word for temperature, followed by degree
    I know it may sound simple
    But when I look in your eyes..."
  • My Curse
    "Too many questions
    But no one seems to know
    The value of the answers
    Too many fingers and all pointed back at me..."
  • Universal Language
    "What is the universal language?
    Could it be hate if it's not love?
    Could it be money, sex, or power?
    I say it's music and none of the above..."
  • Everready
    "Try but you can't bring me down
    Try but you can't let me
    Try but you can't bring me down
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Thicker Than Water" album, click "H2O Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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