Hackett Steve - Please Dont Touch Lyrics

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Artist: Hackett Steve
Hackett Steve Author
Album: Please Don't Touch! (1978)
Hackett Steve - Please Don
Song Title: Please Dont Touch
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 750
Print Version

1. Narnia
(Based on the children's book - "The Lion,
the Witch, & the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis)
(Vocals Walsh and Hackett)

2. Carry on up the Vicarage
(A musical tribute to Agatha Christie)
(Vocals Hackett)

3. Racing in A
(Vocals Walsh & Hackett)

4. Kim

5. How Can I?

6. Hoping Love Will Last
(Vocal Randy)

7. Land of a Thousand Autumns

8. Please Don't Touch
For maximum effect this track should be
listened to as loudly as possible
With as much treble and bass as your system can muster
- not to be played to people with heart conditions
or those in severely hallucinogenic states of mind

9. The Voice of Necam
(Vocal Hackett & Feydor)

10. Icarus Ascending
(Vocals Havens, Hackett

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Other Hackett Steve song Lyrics
  • Picture Postcard
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    To pin upon my wall
    Just want someone to
    Help me forget that's all..."
  • Cant Let Go
    "Your face is like an angel
    But what if you won't let me touch you
    You can change into a dragon
    But what if your flame is imagined..."
  • Funny Feeling
    "Hey it's no surprise that you are going tonight
    Well alright Had a funny feeling
    I don't want to go on wasting your time
    Well alright Had a funny feeling..."
  • Overnight Sleeper
    "Beneath the scattered light
    Across bare hills of night
    I dreamt a train just missed me
    Another came in sight..."
  • Turn Back Time
    "I'm not on the ball
    Living in a world of so much change
    Thought that I might be much stronger
    When I'm far away from you..."
  • Narnia
    "Things they taught you at school
    Can sometimes disappear
    Why do you disbelieve
    The things I said were true..."
  • Racing In A
    "When I feel I'm over reacting
    and I'm trying too hard it might
    be that I need to get out in the country
    my friend..."
  • Hoping Love Will Last
    "Ther are many friends that I once knew
    who felt the same special thing that I share with you
    They've grown apart in different ways
    I wonder if someone hears as I start to say..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Please Don't Touch!" album, click "Hackett Steve Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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