Haddaway - Tell Me Where It Hurts Lyrics

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Artist: Haddaway
Haddaway Author
Album: Hit Collection Vol. 2: The Very Best Of (2005)
Haddaway - Hit Collection Vol. 2: The Very Best Of Album
Song Title: Tell Me Where It Hurts
Genre: Dance
Visits: 727
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Words & Music by Diane Warren

(c) 1992 Realsongs, the Diane Warren Trust

Just tell me where it hurts now baby,

And I'll love you with a love so tender

And if you let me stay I'll love all the hurt away

Why is that sad look in you eyes

Why are you crying

Tell me now tell me now

Tell me why you're feeling this way

I hate to see you so down

Oh baby is it your heart

Ooh Breakin' all in pieces

Makin' you cry

Makin' you feel blue

Is there anything I can do

Why don't you tell me where it hurts now baby

And I'll do my best to make it better

I'll do my best to make the tears all go away

Just tell me where it hurts now tell me

And I'll love you with a love so tender

And if you let me stay I'll love all the hurt away

Girl tell me, where are all those tears coming from

Why are they fallin'

Did somebody somebody leave your heart in the cold

You just need somebody to hold give me a chance to put back all the pieces

Take your broken heart

Make it just like new

There's so many things that I can do

Why don't you tell me where it hurts now baby

And I'll do my best to make it better

I'll do my best to make the tears all go away

Just tell me where it hurts now tell me

And I'll love you with a love so tender

And if you let me stay I'll love all the hurt away

Baby, If you'd only tell me where it hurts I know I can make it better.

If I could wrap my arms around your heart

I'd would hold you tight, and let you know everything is gonna be allright.

So take a chance with me baby. I dont wanna see you cry.

Is it your heart Ooh that's breakin' all in pieces

Makin' you cry Makin' you feel blue

Is there anything I can do

Tell me where it hurts now baby

And I'll do my best to make it better

I'll do my best to make the tears all go away Just tell me where

it hurts now tell me

And I'll love you with a love so tender

And if you let me stay I'll love all the hurt away

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    I guess I'm feeling lost in
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  • I Know
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    I know one thing is true
    I never ever wanna lose you
    In my life..."
  • Breakaway
    We gotta breakaway
    Modern people..."
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