Hades - Widows Mite Lyrics

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Artist: Hades
Hades Author
Album: Resisting Success (1987)
Hades - Resisting Success Album
Song Title: Widows Mite
Visits: 723
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Midnight at the Cemetary
the Ghouls of Gore are back
Obnoxious and Corpsegrinder
look for some preys tonight
They tear apart the gravestone
Unearthing without care
Reopening your coffin
They think you are really dead

Desecrate... Steal the corpses from their graves
Digging up the interred
We are the raptors of the dead

Taken from the cemetary
to their hideous Morgue
Sinister body snatchers
Merchants of rot
Exhumed to be dissected
a few hours after death
Prematurely buried body
In cataleptic state

Desecrate... Steal the corpses from their graves
Digging up the interred
We are the raptors of the dead

Moonlight shines in your livid skin
Resting in apparent morbidity
There's life behind that unanimated eyes
Sometimes Cadaverous condition lies

A Cataleptic rapture, forensic mistake
Buried without death certicate

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Other Hades song Lyrics
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    There's nothing that can stop him
    Psychopathic mind, misdirected wrath
    Towards all who dwell around him..."
  • Legal Tender
    "In God we trust
    But You're not God
    You make and break all the rules
    Land of the free..."
  • On to Iliad
    "Sitting on the sands of foreign shores
    What will it take to make you see the light
    Yesterday's patronizing tears
    To prove the gods, wrong or right..."
  • Resist Success
    "Defeat our purpose
    But just which fate is worse?
    How long can we go on?
    We cannot sell ourselves..."
  • Sweet Revenge
    "See his memory fade
    Wife and daughter raped and killed one night
    Life's rewards erased
    Only one thing to look forward to..."
  • The Cross
    "Night calls upon my betrayal
    Morn sees me denied three times
    Believe in God, believe also in me
    I am the way, the truth, and the Life..."
  • Masque of the Red Death
    "It was a time when life was short
    Long devastated was the land
    Never had there ever been
    A more fatal plague against all man..."
  • Active Contrition
    "Tired of penance
    and words
    Confession is absurd
    Cause you..."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Resisting Success" album, click "Hades Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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