Hagen Nina - Zarah Lyrics

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Artist: Hagen Nina
Hagen Nina Author
Song Title: Zarah
Visits: 682
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Ich weiss, es wird einmal ein Wunder gescheh'n
Und dann werden tausend M?rchen war.
Ich weiss, so schnell kann keine Liebe vergeh'n,
Die so gross ist und so wunderbar.
Wir haben beide den selben Stern
Und dein Schicksal ist auch meins
Du bist mir fern und doch nicht fern,
Und uns're Seelen sind eins.

Und, und, und...

Darum wird einmal ein wunder gescheh'n
Und ich weiss, dass wir uns wiederseh'n

I know that one day all my miracles come true
And the Golden Age of Love will come to you

I know that Love is meant forever to be
Love is God and it's made for me

We both share the same star and your fate is also mine
And you're far but not very far 'cause our souls are one and divine

When I would have to live without your love
When I have to think nobody cares for me, loves me
That I would have no happy destiny
Would ouch, ouch

When I would not know to give my heart
And he would say today, "Well baby I love you"
Life would make no sense
Life would make no sense for me
It's cold but I know more....

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