Haircut 100 - 40-40 Home Lyrics

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Artist: Haircut 100
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Song Title: 40-40 Home
Visits: 824
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Think in time
Early evening light will start to fade
And we'll be called inside
To wait for chance to say
Can I stay out late or maybe just an hour
But when you call I know that all I have to say is...
Forty Forty Home
You never could catch me
With a stocking and a ball
Around the world a Yo-Yo spun
You would skip and I would run
Those long days are slipping away

Days will pass
Taking turns to hide and lose our way
And beats will change the rhythm of the year
A worn out gate will swingalongasister
And running out calling to a friendly teaser
Forty Forty Home
You never would catch me
My ball against the wall
But around the world a Yo-Yo spun
Dodge the conkers one by one
But yours always came my way
Cross my path was something
I could not expect again
From beast to beauty, beautiful remain
Slide this way
Don't leave your past in shadow
And paper plane will fly your way on golden wings of...
Forty Forty Home
So now you have caught me
Your stocking said it all
Played the game and won, two, three
Made your move and captured me
So never let me go

Counting the spots on the lino
It seemed such a waste of time
But can't you stick to your side of the garden?
And I to mine!
Forty Forty Home
You never would catch me
My ball against the wall
But around the world a Yo-Yo spun
Dodge the conkers one by one
But yours always came my way

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