Hakan Hellstroem - Come On Lena (English Version) Lyrics

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Artist: Hakan Hellstroem
Song Title: Come On Lena (English Version)
Visits: 797
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Stop dreaming about the "Dolce Vita",
(we will never be part of that)
And never apologize again
(for things you never did)

But it hurts me to see you
lying in your bed
Oh God it hurts so much that something
so close can be so far away.

Du-tu-ru-tu-ru. Du-tu-ru-tu-ru. Wo-oh!

I know that it is only fantasies
but now she is in me.
And she will always be.
And I know that everything is false and cheated
but I don't care
cause we are dancing and you have so soft lips.

Oh come on Lena,
What else are we supposed to do?
Come on Lena,
Come on Le-enaaaa....

Du-tu-ru-tu-ru. Du-tu-ru-tu-ru.

Du-tu-ru-tu-ru. Du-tu-ru-tu-ru. Wo-oh!

But don't fall apart now,
you are only one of many people I've dreamt about.
And you can't catch me
and I can't catch you
cause I know that the whole town wants you

(It's true!)

Oh come on Lena,
What else are we supposed to do?
Come on Lena,
Come on Le-enaaaa....

Ok? OK!Wooh!

Jazz house is full of tricks & CocaCola-chiks & kicks.
he has written that and that,
and she's there from 6 to 6

Out of synthesizer-floor,
Down in the Dolce Vita
Up on the roof
Above the city
Under the smoke of the factories

I see:
Elvis boys that throw cellies in the air
Second avenue girls with their hearts broken in two
when I go around here in fever
down by the canals
and one day I'll be forgotten here...

(it's just like that, don't give up Timo!)

Oh come on Lena,
What else are we supposed to do?
Come on Lena,
Come on Le-enaaaa....

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