Half Japanese - Cant Get Enough Gimme Your Love By Mai Kuraki Lyrics
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Cant Get Enough Gimme Your Love By Mai Kuraki Song Lyrics
Half Japanese
Song Title:
Cant Get Enough Gimme Your Love By Mai Kuraki
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Can't Get Enough (gimme your love)
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough
Gimme your love
setsunai mune no oku
kimi e no omoi kaku
yasashii kimi no koe
But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
toki bakari sugisatteiku yo
I'll tell you what I want
'Coz I've wondering soba ni itai yo
sou open up the door
Uncover the mystery
ima shika nai ima dakara
I'll tell you how I feel tonight
Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
ima shika nai ima dakara
My love will take you higher
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough Can't get enough
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough
kono kimochi yuzurenai koukai shitakunai
kimi o goukai shisou
But you don't understand my heart and soul
Don't be afraid to love me
kimi no ha~to kanjiteitai yo
Will you tell me what you want
'Cuz I've wondering
soba ni itai yo
sou Open up the door
Uncover the mystery
ima shika nai ima dakara
I'll tell you how I feel tonight
Open up the door
You'll never have to worry
ima shika nai ima dakara
My love will take you higher
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough
Gimme your love
Can I get enough get closer
I can't get enough
Can't get enough...Mai Kuraki
Cant Get Enough Gimme Your Love By Mai Kuraki Lyrics
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