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Soul Love Song Lyrics
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D. Hall, H. Knight
Eee, Ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah, ooh yeah
I can believe that you love me
The way you set this soul on fire
Typical talk in the daytime
At Nite - only hot desire
I can do anything darling
'Cause you take me as I am
Oh baby there's something about us
That makes it a perfect blend
Yeah I found out (found out) what love means to me
Gimme that gimme that nasty touch
I dig it so much
Gimme that gimme that nasty touch
We got it - Soul Love
I'm like you & you like me
So What
So we got Soul Love
(Gimme that gimme that) Nasty touch
(Soul Love) Soul Love
How could it be that we're so tight
We got the love telepathy
Somebody else could excite me
But what you do - that's another thing
I promise I will do you right
'Cause you've got what I need
I feel you burning inside me
I'm livin' in your love dream
Yeah I know you & I were born to be
(Gimme that, gimme that) nasty touch
I dig it so much
(Gimme that, gimme that) sweet smile
You got it - Soul Love
Yeah I'm like you & you like me
So what - so we got it - Soul Love
(Gimme that, gimme that) that nasty touch
(Soul Love) Soul Love
(Soul Love)
All right, all right
Say we got (so much) so hot
(Soul Love) Soul Love, Soul Love
Say we got (so hot) so hot
(Soul Love) Soul Love
(So much Soul Love)
Gimme that, gimme that nasty touch yeah
(So hot Soul Love)
I'm like you and you're like me
We got so much Soul Love
Gimme that, gimme that touch
You got (so hot Soul Love)
So hot, so what yeah
(So much Soul Love)
Gimme that nasty touch
You got (so hot Soul Love)
Oh I'm like you and you like me
(So much Soul Love)
I know you gotta be there
(So hot Soul Love)
Ooh, I got the nasty touch
You want (so much Soul Love)
Ooh, gimme, gimme
(So hot Soul Love)
I'm like you & you like me
(So much Soul Love)
You got (so hot Soul Love)
Yeah, hey hey
(So hot, so hot
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