Hammerfall - I Want Out Lyrics
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Hammerfall Singer Lyrics
I Want Out Song Lyrics
I Want Out (ep) (1999)
Song Title:
I Want Out
Print Version
From our lives' beginning on
We are pushed in little forms
No one asks us how we like to be
In school they teach you what to think
But everyone says different things
But they're all convinced that
They're the ones to see
So they keep talking and they never stop
And at a certain point you give it up
So the only thing that's left to think is this
I want out--to live my life alone
I want out--leave me be
I want out--to do things on my own
I want out--to live my life and to be free
People tell me A and B
They tell me how I have to see
Things that I have seen already clear
So they push me then from side to side
They're pushing me from black to white
They're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear
But don't push me to the maximum
Shut your mouth and take it home
'Cause I decide the way things gonna be
I want out--to live my life alone
I want out--leave me be
I want out--to do things on my own
I want out--to live my life and to be free
There's a million ways to see the things in life
A million ways to be the fool
In the end of it, none of us is right
Sometimes we need to be alone
(Solo: KaiBoth)
No no no, leave me alone
I want out--to live my life alone
I want out--leave me be
I want out--to do things on my own
I want out--to live my life and to be free
I Want Out Lyrics
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I watch the children pray,..."
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"As long as I remember
We?ve marched across this land
Oh, oh?Â
Reached for a new horizon..."
...Show All
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