Hammerstein Oscar - A Puzzlement Lyrics

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Artist: Hammerstein Oscar
Song Title: A Puzzlement
Visits: 692
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When I was a boy
World was better spot.
What was so was so,
What was not was not.
Now I am a man;
World have changed a lot.
Some things nearly so,
Others nearly not.
There are times I almost think
I am not sure of what I absolutely know.
Very often find confusion
In conclusion I concluded long ago
In my head are many facts
That, as a student, I have studied to procure,
In my head are many facts..
Of which I wish I was more certain I was sure!
Is a puzzlement what to tell growing son?
What for instance, shall I say to him of women?
Shall I educate him on the ancient lines?
Shall I tell the boy as far as he is able,
To respect his wives and love his concubines?
Shall I tell him everyone is like the other,
And the better of the two is really neither?
If I tell him this I think he won't believe it-
And I nearly think that I don't believe it either!-
When my father was a king
He was a king who knew exactly what he knew,
And his brain was not a thing
Forever swinging to and fro and fro and to.
Shall I, then be like my father
And be willfully unmovable and strong?
Or is it better to be right?...
Or am I right when I believe I may be wrong?
Shall I join with other nations in alliance?
If allies are weak, am I not best alone?
If allies are strong with power to protect me,
Might they not protect me out of all I own?
Is a danger to be trusting one another,
One will seldom want to do what other wishes;
But unless someday somebody trust somebody
There'll be nothing left on earth excepting fishes!
There are times I almost think
Nobody sure of what he absolutely know.
Everybody find confusion
In conclusion he concluded long ago
And it puzzle me to learn
That tho' a man may be in doubt of what he know,
Very quickly he will fight...
He'll fight to prove that what he does not know is so!
Sometimes I think that people going mad!
Sometimes I think that people not so bad!
But not matter what I think I must go on living life.
As leader of my kingdom I must go forth,
Be father to my children and husband to each wife
Etcetera, etcetera, and so forth.
If my Lord in Heaven Buddha, show the way,
Everyday I try to live another day.
If my Lord in Heaven Buddha, show the way,
Everyday I do my best for one-more day!
But...Is a puzzlement

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Other Hammerstein Oscar song Lyrics
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    "There are time I almost think
    They are not sure of what they absolutely know.
    I believe they are confused
    About conclusions they concluded long ago...."
  • Getting To Know You
    "It's a very ancient saying,
    But a true and honest thought,
    That if you become a teacher,
    By your pupils you'll be taught...."
  • Hello Young Lovers
    "When I think of Tom.
    I think of a night.
    When the earth smelled of summer
    And the sky was streaked with white,..."
  • I Have Dreamed
    "I have dreamed that arms are lovely,
    I have dreamed what a joy you'll be.
    I have dreamed every word you whisper.
    When your close,..."
  • I Whistle A Happy Tune Reprise
    "Whenever I feel afraid I hold my head erect
    And whistle a happy tune
    So no one will suspect I'm afraid.
    While shivering in my shoes..."
  • I Whistle A Happy Tune
    "Whenever I feel afraid I hold my head erect
    And whistle a happy tune
    So no one will suspect
    I'm Afraid...."
  • My Lord And Master
    "The King is pleased!
    He is pleased with me!
    My Lord and Master
    Declares he's pleased with me-..."
  • Ol Man River
    Colored folks work on de Mississippi,
    colored folks work while de white folks play.
    Pullin' dose boats from de dawn to sunset,..."
  • ...Show All

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