Hammill Peter - Jeunesse Doree Lyrics

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Artist: Hammill Peter
Hammill Peter Author
Song Title: Jeunesse Doree
Genre: Rock
Visits: 705
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The youth are voting with their feet -
Such a shame that the dance-beat gets so complicated.
Pretty, pretty it seems...
On second glance, the look is overrated.
In the lost-house there's a magic potion,
timeless motion....
Now and again now lasts forever;
Jeuness d'oree gliding the lily of pleasure.

The youth are voting with their clothes -
Such a shame that the hip post is so calculated.
Round and round it goes: how careless
the rapture that's overstated.
In the picture last devotion, waveless ocean -
Time and again styles goes out of fashion
Jeunesse d'oree taking the heat out of passion!

Look at the kid with the golden touch,
Check out the story expression;
Look at the man with the golden arm
and the sensational lesson.
Follow-my-leader's a game we can play
till we swallow the tail without thinking
Catch the hook, tow the line -
never mind that we're sinking!

The youth are voting themselves in...
but the wheel takes a fresh spin
and they find, tomorrow,
gaudy garments worn thin, all at best rent...
and the worst are borrowed.
Closing orders, fading nations, dissipation,
time and again, time's unforgiving;
Jeunesse d'oree gilding the lily of living
Now and again, now lasts forever;
Jeunesse d'oree gilding the lily of pleasure.
... Cut

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Other Hammill Peter song Lyrics
  • Golden Promises
    "Besieged in the battlements of Babylon,
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    you can talk to anyone here.
    You can throw your arms around your nearest neighbour..."
  • Losing Faith In Words
    "I just can't see why you can't see what I mean,
    but I can't make things any plainer, the words get in the way -
    is that quite what I mean?
    If not now, then certainly sooner or later..."
  • Fogwalking
    "Everything clumsy slow-motion,
    I look for the source.
    Buildings loom up like icebergs
    on collision course...."
  • The Spirit
    "Such distance to the tips of the fingers,
    the ganglion loom jerks inside;
    the body grows steadily stranger
    but the spirit won't be denied...."
  • In Slow Time
    "Dance the dance
    till show time
    ... the show goes on
    Dance the dance..."
  • Flight
    "Flying Blind
    I alway forget how crazy things are
    so sometimes it catches me off my guard
    when they make sense...."
  • German Overalls
    "Manheim; rainy Saturday with no money nor friend,
    only Tequila can end the boredom.
    Try to reach London for a pocket of hope;
    we're children, we grope in the dark...."
  • Slender Threads
    "you were wearing your battle dress.
    I really must confess
    that I shed a silent smile for you -
    it had really blown my mind,..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Patience" album, click "Hammill Peter Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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