Hammill Peter - No More Lyrics

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Artist: Hammill Peter
Hammill Peter Author
Song Title: No More
Visits: 656
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Between coma and consciousness
no hard and fast line,
no chances to vote on the motioning eye...
A mystical vision or a fall from grace,
the chase in slow motion
through alien space?
I don't know what to make of the dream-time:
It seems as though I'm me,
but I'm now more than ever
happening inside myself - I don't know
whether I need anything else.
Stored information or secretive clue,
so much will fit the design....
One field of life when free will
won't cut through:
The dream and the unconscious eye,
in real time.
We stand between waking
and the breakness of sleep -
the unconscious ocean,
still waters run deep.
We lay down all logic,
all sense of control, suspend disbelief
in the window of souls.
I don't know what to make of the dream-time:
It seems as though I'm me,
But I'm now more than ever
happening only in thought -
I don't know whether
any sense is caught.
Stored information or secretive clue,
so much will fit the design....
One field of life where free will
won't cut through:
The dream disappears in the light.
In the laboratory they're waking him up:
The dreams on the lips
but they swash the cup.
A psycho-experiment, and there is no doubt -
The dream's an experience
I go crazy without....
I don't know what to make of the dream-time:
It seems as though I'm me,
but I'm now more than ever
happening inside my head...
is this forever with the Ego dead?
Stored information or secretive clue,
so much will fit the design....
One field of life where free will
won't cut through:
The dream and the unconscious eye
in real time
it's now more than ever.

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Other Hammill Peter song Lyrics
  • Golden Promises
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    you can talk to anyone here.
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  • Losing Faith In Words
    "I just can't see why you can't see what I mean,
    but I can't make things any plainer, the words get in the way -
    is that quite what I mean?
    If not now, then certainly sooner or later..."
  • Fogwalking
    "Everything clumsy slow-motion,
    I look for the source.
    Buildings loom up like icebergs
    on collision course...."
  • The Spirit
    "Such distance to the tips of the fingers,
    the ganglion loom jerks inside;
    the body grows steadily stranger
    but the spirit won't be denied...."
  • In Slow Time
    "Dance the dance
    till show time
    ... the show goes on
    Dance the dance..."
  • Flight
    "Flying Blind
    I alway forget how crazy things are
    so sometimes it catches me off my guard
    when they make sense...."
  • German Overalls
    "Manheim; rainy Saturday with no money nor friend,
    only Tequila can end the boredom.
    Try to reach London for a pocket of hope;
    we're children, we grope in the dark...."
  • Slender Threads
    "you were wearing your battle dress.
    I really must confess
    that I shed a silent smile for you -
    it had really blown my mind,..."

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