Hammond Albert - Im A Train Lyrics

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Artist: Hammond Albert
Song Title: Im A Train
Visits: 699
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Look at me, I'm a train, I'm a track, I'm a train, I'm a train
I'm a ticket-train, yeah...
Look at me, got a load on my back, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah...
Look at me, I'm goin' somewhere, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train yeah...
Look at me, I'm goin' somewhere, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah, been a...
Hard day, yes it has been a hard day, yes it has been a hard day,
Yes, it has, I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, I'm a ticket-train,
I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, ticket-train...yeah!

Look at me, I'm a train, I'm a line, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah...
Look at me for the very last time, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah...
It's been a life that's long and hard, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah...
I'm going down to the breaker's yard, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah, been a...
Hard day, yes it has been a hard day, yes it has been a hard day,
Yes, it has, I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, I'm a ticket-train,
I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, ticket-train...yeah!

It's been a life that's long and hard, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah...
I'm going down to the breaker's yard, I'm a train, I'm a train,
I'm a ticket-train, yeah, been a...
Hard day, yes it has been a hard day, yes it has been a hard day,
Yes it has, I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, I'm a ticket train,
I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, I'm a ticket-train,
I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train, I'm a ticket-train,
I'm a train, I'm a ticket-train

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    Everything I want to do
    I only want to do with you...."
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    And I love my job ?cause it is so easy
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  • It Never Rains In Southern California
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    Ooh, that talk of opportunities, TV breaks and movies
    Rang true, sure rang true..."
  • The Free Electric Band
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    my mother works for charity whenever she can
    and they're both good clean americans who abide by the law
    and they both stick up for liberty and they both support the war..."
  • The Peacemaker
    "Get out
    damn it
    Close the door
    don't slam it..."

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