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My Son Calls Another Man Daddy Song Lyrics
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Other Hank Williams song Lyrics | Never Again (Will I Knock On Your Door) "WRITER HANK WILLIAMS..." | Calling You "..." | Wealth Wont Save Your Soul "FOR WHEN GOD CALLS, FROM HIS HOME UP ON HIGH, TO YOUR EARTHLY WEALTH, YOU MUST SAY GOODBYE, THEN IT'S USELESS TO YOU, IF YOU'VE STRAYED FROM THE FOLD, FOR MY FRIEND IT WON'T SAVE YOUR POOR WICKED SOUL...." | When God Comes And Gathers His Jewels "Written and recorded by hank williams sr. He stood all alone with his head bowed down As though his heart would break Then the parson came over and took his hand..." | My Love for You (Has Turned to Hate) "Words and music; Hank Williams Recorded by Hank Williams, 1948..." | Pan American "I have heard your stories about your fast trains But now Ill tell you about one all the southern folks have seen|g Shes the beauty of the southlands listen to that whistle scream Its that pan american on her way to new or-leans...." | HONKY TONKIN "Words and music by Hank Williams, Sr. Call me up, sweet baby, and bring along some dough And we'll go Honky Tonkin', Honky Tonkin' Honky Tonkin', Honey Baby..." | Move It On Over "Came in last night at half past ten That baby of mine wouldnt let me in Move over little dog cause the big dogs moving in Shes changed the lock on my front door..." | |
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Original Singles Collection - Boxset (CD2)" album, click "Hank Williams Singer" and search album songs from the artist page. | |
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