Hank Williams Jr. - The Nashville Scene Lyrics

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Artist: Hank Williams Jr.
Song Title: The Nashville Scene
Visits: 604
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The streets are paved with tourist and the record companies flourish,Lord knows every singer wants to be the king.

But some of them couldn't take it and some good one's didn't make it.Thats the way it goes on the Nashville scene.

Now there's a wino on the corner,he was a well known guitar picker 'til he got burned out by the game.

Now he'll bum you for some whiskey and tell you how it was back in '52 when he played for Hank.

and I'm watching the sun go down this evening and soon it will wake this town thats made of dreams.

But before it does a new star will be shining and thats the way it is on the Nashville scene.

From the outside its a castle, from the inside its a prison its easy to live way beyond your means.

and its a long, long way to the top and even further when you drop and I've been on both ends of the Nashville scene.

And I'm watching the sun go down this evening and soon it'll wake this town thats made of dreams,

but before it does a new star will be shining and lighting up the ole Nashville scene

and I'm standing here as the sun goes down this evening and soon it will wake this town thats made of dreams

but before it does a new star will be shining lighting up the Nashville scene,

lighting up the Ole Nashville scene.

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