Hanoi Rocks - First Timer Lyrics

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Artist: Hanoi Rocks
Hanoi Rocks Author
Album: Bangkok Shocks Saigon Shakes Hanoi Rocks (1981)
Hanoi Rocks - Bangkok Shocks Saigon Shakes Hanoi Rocks Album
Song Title: First Timer
Genre: Metal: Heavy
Visits: 682
Print Version

Please operator, please operator, This is the first time I'm with a woman
Well years can change, And we become much older
Oh but we don't always realize, And it becomes harder and harder
Soon I'll be too old to be a debutante, I'm hangin' up my telephone
How come you don't ever come, How come you don't ever come
I'm hangin' up my telephone, How come you don't ever come
Tonight will be the first time ever, That I'll fall in love with the things we can do
Tonight will be the first time ever, That I'll get to know the things we can do
We'll take a break, our line's engaged, No one can stop me now
Well comin' in, it thrills me so, Never ever let me go, never let me go
Go go go, Year can change and we get older and older
Soon I'll be too old to be a debutante, And it becomes harder and harder
Don't leave me hangin' on the telephone, Please don't leave me hangin' on my telephone
How come you don't ever come, How come you don't ever come
Oh yeah, Please operator, please operator, Look out

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Other Hanoi Rocks song Lyrics
  • Oriental Beat
    "I'm gonna take a holiday, leave somewhere far away
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    I wanna get away from the west to the place that I like best
    And where the nites are long and the girls are pretty..."
  • Back To Mystery City
    "Hey little girl won't you come along, yeah
    Well, I'm gonna take you where I come from, yeah
    It's a place with no heart, a place without pity
    It's a place that's called the Mystery City..."
  • Motorvatin
    "Well, I have a saturday nite drive in a subway train
    A lotta speed inside my brain
    Shakin' brakin' it loose, the best that I can do
    I gotta get out gotta get out now..."
  • Until I Get You
    "For your love I'd give anything
    for your time stars above
    and if I ever get you
    I'll never let you go..."
  • Mental Beat
    "The beat is getting stronger
    I can't take it any longer
    Everytime I go to sleep I wake up to
    this beat inside of me..."
  • Tragedy
    "Well the music's slowly dying and I'm jumping outta my jeans
    I jump into the bed, you're there already waiting for me
    Ain't this a perfect way to spend the night
    There ain't no better way of killing time than loving you..."
  • Visitor
    "I'm not sorry 'bout the things that I've done to you
    I'm not sorry, I never felt this good
    All I wanted was to get to you
    And hurt you for a while..."
  • 11th Street Kids
    "Accidents happens about everyday
    But that day special followed by a heat wave
    Rush hour just began I ran for my life
    I can't afford to miss the bus..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Bangkok Shocks Saigon Shakes Hanoi Rocks" album, click "Hanoi Rocks Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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