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Dont Accuse Song Lyrics
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No, oh, oh, oh, oh,....(x 4)
There was a boy, he was nine.
He had a limp in his leg.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
How would you like it if I hurt you?
Way deep inside I looked at you with a frown.
Would you feel all alone?
No-one comes to help you.
It seems that nobody cares.
Maybe next time you'll think twice,
before you accuse or compare.
(Chorus twice...)
No, oh, oh, ......
When you break us, do we not plead,
When you're with us, do we not weep,
When you hurt us, do we not cry?
When you stab us, do we not die?
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do.
No, no, no, don't accuse,
You don't know what they would do
| Dont Accuse Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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