Hardline - Rhythm from a Red Car Lyrics

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Artist: Hardline
Hardline Author
Album: Double Eclipse (1992)
Hardline - Double Eclipse Album
Song Title: Rhythm from a Red Car
Genre: Rock
Visits: 1389
Print Version

Neal Schon, Johnny Gioeli, Joey Gioeli)

Hit like lightnin', and my head stops spinnin' around
I'm caught in a shuffle on the corner of lost and found

Well wait and see truth by me, didn't need to say a word
Her lips did all the talkin', and not a sound was ever heard

Pray, pretty, won't you tell me what's on your mind

She's got a rhythm from a red car, she's got a rhythm from a red car

Here we go baby, takin' a turn for the better
I work your curves, girl, let the road run on forever
Now you're lookin' good in the mirror, then you blind me with your lies
Well you're drivin' me crazy on this road to paradise

Pray, pretty, won't you tell me what's on your mind

She's got a rhythm from a red car, she's got a rhythm from a red car
(In your eyes I see, you're telling me that you want it too)
She's got a rhythm from a red car, she's got a rhythm from a red car
(In your eyes I see, you're telling me that you want it too)


Rhythm from a red car, she's got a rhythm from a red car
(In your eyes I see, you're telling me that you want it too)
She's got a rhythm from a red car, she's got a rhythm from a red car
(In your eyes I see, you're telling me that you want it too)
She's got a rhythm, rhythm


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    And there undressed in the shadows
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