Harket Morten - Tilbake Til Livet Lyrics

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Artist: Harket Morten
Harket Morten Author
Album: Live at NRK (0)
Harket Morten - Live at NRK Album
Song Title: Tilbake Til Livet
Visits: 662
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tidlid en morgen
det var slik det var
jeg vendte meg mot himmelen
men det var jorden som ga svar
alt virket nytt
og jeg vet ikke hva -
jeg kjente meg fremmed
men allikevel glad

tilbake til livet
hvis du vil ta mag inn
la regn v?re regn igjen
la vind v?re vind
er det her p? jorden
kanske er det her det skjer
kanske skulle vi ta oss
en tur ut og se

jeg husker ei jente
hun dr?mte seg mett
s? mett av dagen
som noen jente jeg har sett
tynget av forventning
s? ynkelig og trett
n? g?r hun over jorden
spenstig og lett

se - fuglene flyr
la skjelen fly med
se - alt p? jorden hilser
n?r en dr?mmer komer ned
sett tvilen i tvil
se hva som bryter frem
se alt i verden hilser
en dr?mmer som vender hjem

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Other Harket Morten song Lyrics
  • A Kind Of Christmas Card
    "All you folks back home
    I'll never tell you this
    You're not supposed to know
    Where your daughter is..."
  • Spanish Steps
    "Must have been walking
    Don't know this place
    Somebody stopped talking
    It is written in my face..."
  • Brodsky Tune
    "As you pour yourself a scotch
    Crush a roach or check your watch
    As your hands adjust your tie people die
    In the towns with funny names..."
  • Wild Seed
    Are you holding the key
    Was it you that put a lock on my door
    Who sent you..."
  • Los Angeles
    "You waited for me
    When I was strong
    You never called
    You waited long..."
  • Lay Me Down Tonight
    "Lay me down tonight, I'm falling deep
    I'm tired, now I'll sleep
    So close my eyes and take me in
    I'll leap into the night like wind..."
  • Tell Me What You See
    "Sleep, my love, sleep
    Or look up at a sky
    returning from its deep
    See the moon go down..."
  • Stay
    I say it as a friend
    He can handle the daylight
    But the night has its way..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Live at NRK" album, click "Harket Morten Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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