Harper Roy - Nowhere To Run Lyrics

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Artist: Harper Roy
Harper Roy Author
Song Title: Nowhere To Run
Visits: 580
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I'm a rabbit on fire
on fire with mascared eyes
I'm a white rat acquired
by the lab
I'm due to be shot
shot with experiment
waiting in line
for the next stab

I've got nowhere to run to
I've got nowhere to go
and no way of telling you
that none of you know

I burn in hellfire
kept alive in my deathbed
I'm a monkey with wire
in my head
I can't touch my face
rub my eyes or hear anything
suspended twixt
living and dead
they say I don't know
but I live under pressure
showing great symptons
of breakdown and fracture

I've got nowhere to run to
I've got nowhere to go
and no way of telling you
that none of you know

If I (RH) had my way
I'd be in there today
turn the voltage on you
burn you down
with the whole of your school

with your lessons on how
to dismiss others' feelings
while feeling that you're
always ever so kind
never cruel
but that's you
only you
of all us creatures on earth
that could only be you

if only you cared
not to kill not to torture
not to need to cause pain
fear and suffering
to be cool

you'd have all the friends
and the ends and the means
to live with the give
and the fox in the glove (the atmosphere)
on this jewel (the planet)
but that's you
only you
of all us creatures on earth
that could only be you

you're the mournful red eye
of the dog in the cage
the howl of despair
from the pound
forsaken forgotten
the live definition
the sad lonely meaning
of hound

and you've got nowhere to run to
nowhere to go
and no way of telling me
that this isn't so
for some of us know,
and will always care to do so

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