Harry Belafonte - Mama Look A Booboo Lyrics
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Harry Belafonte Singer Lyrics
Mama Look A Booboo Song Lyrics
Harry Belafonte
Hits and Rare Songs (0)
Song Title:
Mama Look A Booboo
Print Version
I wonder why nobody don't like me
Or is it the fact that I'm ugly?
I wonder why nobody don't like me
Or is it the fact that I'm ugly?
I leave my whole house and home
My children don't want me no more
Bad talk inside de house dey bring
And when I talk they start to sing:
Mama, look a boo-boo they shout
Their mother tell them shut up your mout'
That is your daddy, oh, no
My daddy can't be ugly so
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey
I couldn't even digest me supper
Due to the children's behavior
John (Yes, pa)-come here a moment
Bring de belt, you're much too impudent
John says it's James who started first
James tells the story in reverse
I drag my belt from off me waist
You should hear them screamin' round de place
Mama, look at boo-boo they shout
Their mother tell them shut up your mout'
That is your daddy, oh, no
My daddy can't be ugly so
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)
So I began to question the mother
These children ain't got no behavior
So I began to question the mother
These children ain't got no behavior
They're playing with you my wife declared
You should be proud of them, my dear
These children were taught too bloomin' slack
That ain't no kind of joke to crack
Mama, look at boo-boo they shout
Their mother tell them shut up your mout'
That is your daddy, oh, no
My daddy can't be ugly so
Shut your mout', Go away
Mama, look at boo-boo dey (uh)
Mama Look A Booboo Lyrics
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if you want to see other song lyrics from "Hits and Rare Songs" album, click "
Harry Belafonte Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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