Harvey PJ - Sheela-Na-Gig Lyrics

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Artist: Harvey PJ
Harvey PJ Author
Song Title: Sheela-Na-Gig
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 674
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I've been trying to show you over and over
Look at these, my child-bearing hips
Look at these, my ruby red ruby lips
Look at these, my work strong arms and
You've got to see my bottle full of charm
I lay it all at your feet
You turn around and say back to me
He said

"Sheela-Na-Gig, Sheela-Na-Gig, you exhibitionist!"
"Sheela-Na-Gig, Sheela-Na-Gig, you exhibitionist!"

Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Just like the first time he said he didn't care
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Heard it before, no more
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Turn the corner, there's another one there
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Heard it before
He said

"Sheela-Na-Gig, Sheela-Na-Gig, you exhibitionist!"
"Sheela-Na-Gig, Sheela-Na-Gig, you exhibitionist!"
Put money in your idle hole
Put money in your idle hole

Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Just like the first time he said he didn't care
Gonna wash that man right out of my hair
Heard it before, no more
Gonna take my hips to a man who cares
Turn the corner, there's another one there
Gonna take my hips to a man who cares
Heard it before
He said

"Sheela-Na-Gig, Sheela-Na-Gig, you exhibitionist!"
"Sheela-Na-Gig, Sheela-Na-Gig, you exhibitionist!"
Put money in your idle hole
Put money in your idle hole

He said, "Wash your breasts, I don't want to be unclean."
He said, "Please take those dirty pillows away from me."
He said, "Wash your breasts, I don't want to be unclean."
He said, "Please take those dirty pillows away from me."
He said, "Wash your breasts, I don't want to be unclean."
He said, "Please take those dirty pillows away from me."
He said, "Wash your breasts, I don't want to be unclean."
He said, "Please take those dirty pillows away from me."

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Other Harvey PJ song Lyrics
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    Don't you know it's alright
    You can love her
    You can love me at the same time..."
  • O Stella
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  • Dress
    "Put on that dress
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    Starting off red
    Clean and sparkling he'll see me..."
  • Victory
    "I stumble and I'm in
    You fit me with those angel wings
    Set me go
    Set me high..."
  • Happy and Bleeding
    "She'd burst
    Dropped off
    Pick the fruit
  • Sheela Na Gig
    "you snake you crawled between my legs
    said want it all it's yours you bet
    I'll make you queen of everything
    no need for god no need for him..."
  • Hair
    The strength
    That's in your arms
    Oh to be..."
  • Joe
    "Joe will you my buddy be?
    Stay with me when I fall and die
    Always thought you'd come rushing in
    Clear the shit out of my eye..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Dry" album, click "Harvey PJ Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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